Sex, Gender and the Sacred

The road to the sacred runs through the carnal. Not only the Bible but Life itself reveals that sexuality is more spiritual than biological. The erotic is God's poetry of love calling us out of ourselves to awareness of beauty and to an expansive creativity and giving of ourselves. We go to God through one another, via loving, not apart from one another. --Paschal.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

About your blog editor

Your blog editor is Paschal Baute, Ed. D., a psychologist in private practice in Lexington, Kentucky for 34 years and long time member of APA Division 36, Religion and Psychology. Also marital therapist, pastoral counselor, married Catholic priest, now semi-retired. He is a co-facilitator of the Spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky for 15 years. He has written on the interface of psychology, health, sexuality and wellness. Some of his writing can be found on the web at

These postings are taken from a paper published paper only privately as "God’s Poetry of Love," (subtitle: The Psychology, Theology and Politics of Sexuality), copyright, all rights reserved,. Paschal Baute, 1997. Current references will be offered.


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